Sunday, 12 December 2010

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Saturday, 23 October 2010


Well i know exactly what im doing now and im not gonna show you theaving lot just yet, but what i will show you are some of the inspirational footage that i got off YouTube to help me with my chosen chosen gags !!!

Very funny i like the animation of the alien when he is pushing the cow !!!

I like the way he did the cut scenes at the end !

If i didn't include this i think id be shot !

I found the action cam scene towards the end very interesting! could help me with my Indiana Jonas gag !?

Reff footage for indi gag !!!

WARNING : MUTE ASAP ---- The guy is DULL !!!!

Awesome little scene !!! im gonna try and do something similar !

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Design Mood Boards !!!

Comical Robbery's:

Here are some comical robbery's and the opening scene from pink panther as well as a musem scene from spiderman. These videos are inspirational to me as they help me choose the style, feel and design of my animation.

So enjoy :

Awesome Film, i may use the song in the animation !

Love the style and the dancing could be really useful if i choose the song "swinging on a star" !

Speaks for it's self really ..... AWESOME!!!

Gonna use as a ref for my lazer gag ;)

This as well !!!

Just looking at the first bit as well as the comic shading and textures.... possible use ?!?!

My Virtual Environments Project !!!

Hello and welcome back fans and true believers !!!

For my Virtual environment course i have to write a gag and design, build and animate a robot performing this gag in my chose environment.

I've decided that im going to be creating my comical animation round the basis of a museum robbery. So i need to look at film robbery's and comical gags which i can re-invent and add my own twist ! i also need to look at design styles and robot designs!!!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

The Batcave.....AGAIN?

Heya readers and true belivers, after i launched my cave onto the world wide web i got some good feed back for example "did the camera man have a stroke while filming" thank you for that one. so i re-rndered my whole 3d project making a correction mainly to the camera where i used a target cam insted of a free cam :D i really recomend that every one does the same its so useful and does all the leg work!

anyway here it is....ENJOY!!!! :

Sunday, 9 May 2010

The Bat Cave!!!!!

OK everyone its finaly here, the thing you've all been waiting for....well maybe not all of you.... ok well i've finaly finished the batcave and its taken about 3 years to render but i think it has been worth it.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Batcave rooms update

Well here are some more of my pre- rendered designs, there ok but i need to mess round with the lighting a bit more.

This is the equipment room...all it needs now it the equipment but apart from that im happy with it.
This is the lift shaft and all i need todo is add some vents, cables, lift and maybe different colour lights im undecided on the lasst addon.
This is the corridor from the lift shaft to the main bat cave area.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Poem to Picture:

I have entered a compertition for a photoshop thing that my mate told me about and we have to create an image to sum up the entire poem :S heres what i came up with:

Room Test:

Here is a room ive been creating to house gadjets, costumes or Batmans all well known bunny collection.....well maybe not too well known! Ive been keeping it in a clean enviroment and experimenting with colour and textures.

Test 1:
Test 2:
Test 3:
Test 4:
Test 5:

Its gotta be comfy:

Here is an update i did on the chair. It feels more batman esk to me as well as looking a hell of a lot more comfy, i mean would you wanna come home after a long kight beating the crap out of badguys and sit in a rock solid chair.... exactly this is a key elemnt in the Batcave which defines batman in some respects.

3Ds Max

For my 3Ds max super hero project i have decided todo Batman's Batcave, But i wanted to carry on from the end of Batman Begins (film) where Bruce talks about making the Batcave more modern. I want to give the Batcave a modern day fell, so new gadjets and aload of shiney things but also keeping some cave like elements, so an even mixture of smooth and rough. Im basically going to try and reflect both sides of Batman in the Batcaves style so rough, dark and moody for batmans side and smooth, tech, clean for Bruce. Ill be looking at batman begins and the dark knight for modern day styles as well as looking at comic books as well as the batman cartoons for some background knowledge on exsiting rooms and styles.

To create Batmans Batcave im going to have to do alot of testing and 3ds max tutorials.

Monday, 1 February 2010


Here are just a few images i have been working on, just getting used to the different ways of creating and lighting objects:

Above is my creation a batman style chair.

Here is a wizard hat i have created in order to creat a leather like texture.

Here is a video that gave me a few creative ideas:

Monday, 25 January 2010

Hot Box

The Image below that i created was inspired by the film "The Fountain", the way the VFX artist created the end sequence with just chemicals and filming them. I found that this had added a great look to the film and was interesting because it introduced me to a new technique that i had never seen before.