Monday, 7 November 2011

NTU Alumni:

Hey guys and gals here is my NTU Alumni video!

Friday, 29 July 2011

Lego is FOREVER !!!

No matter how old you get Lego is still awesome!

Here is a model i created in 3Ds MAX. I creaded the building blocks from scratch and rendered it in mental ray ! The textures are standard max materials.

enjoy :)

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Web Layout:


Here is a 360 degree view of the hammer i made in 3DS MAX !

Untitled from Callum Whitehead on Vimeo.

In Organic Modelling:

Hey true believers ! Here are some models i have created in 3DS MAX to represent some methods/ techniques on inorganic modeling. Hope you enjoy them and let me know what you think !

Friday, 10 June 2011

Little Bear:

Here is a little animation I'm working on, its inspired by a dream and a song:

Monday, 30 May 2011


This is my Story Board Sorry its really late guys and gals !

This is my animatic 

Friday, 13 May 2011

Render Test

Here is a test render to show the style i'll be using !

Thursday, 12 May 2011


Here are a few screen shot of my scene !!!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Hey guys and gals heres my flicker account for my design practice section :

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Hey guys here is my Behance online portfolio as well as my Vimeo link, plus my iphone video !!!

Untitled from Callum Whitehead on Vimeo.

Monday, 21 March 2011

CW Show Reel 2011

Hey fans and true believers! Just letting "yall" Know that i have put together a show reel of some of my most recent/ best work this year ! This is just a 3d show reel ill be posting my photoshop show reel later !

Until then enjoy .....

Watch in HD !!!

Thursday, 10 March 2011

DVD update

This is just a concept painting i did in Photoshop to test how i could texture my animation in After Effects !

Let me know what you guys think !?

Monday, 28 February 2011


Just something i did while i was waiting for the kettle to boil ..... i should probs get out more:

Sunday, 27 February 2011

One down One to go:

Well i have finally got my leg how i like it, took me 4 hours of messing and experimenting but i cracked it and it has all 4 sided polygons with 0 smoothing error...... thank F**K !!!

here are some screen shots:

Friday, 25 February 2011

Material-Nano Cell:

Well iv been messing around at creating my own textures and i thought it would be a good idea to test one out! Watch in HD for best results !

3D sculpting :

Well i have been messing with different methods/ styles and ive finally found a technique i like. Its a mixture of organic/ inorganic modeling mixed with the style of Jim Mahfood, Lost city of Atlantis and soft style cell shading of Team Fortress 2/ Between Bears and Salesman Pete !

Its looking good so far.... got my characters designed just building them at the moment.

Heres what i have so far on the character front:

Concept sketch:

Here's my 3Ds Max start of luke, took me about 1 hour to get it looking right !

Sunday, 20 February 2011

My Logo:

Well i think its been long enough now..... time to blog!

Well i'm working hard on both projects at the moment but i feel i need to focus on the context section for a few weeks. Here is my logo in business card form and a very VERY rough preview of how i want my DVD main menu to look.....well there will be a few textures, lighting effects ill add in after effects!

Here's the video:

With this video i want to add alot of effects in after effects like particular effects, lens flare, camera shakes and sound effects, it needs to look realistic! I want the lights to look realistic and i want to project some of my work and animations  onto the side of my logo towards the end of the animation.