Monday, 28 February 2011


Just something i did while i was waiting for the kettle to boil ..... i should probs get out more:

Sunday, 27 February 2011

One down One to go:

Well i have finally got my leg how i like it, took me 4 hours of messing and experimenting but i cracked it and it has all 4 sided polygons with 0 smoothing error...... thank F**K !!!

here are some screen shots:

Friday, 25 February 2011

Material-Nano Cell:

Well iv been messing around at creating my own textures and i thought it would be a good idea to test one out! Watch in HD for best results !

3D sculpting :

Well i have been messing with different methods/ styles and ive finally found a technique i like. Its a mixture of organic/ inorganic modeling mixed with the style of Jim Mahfood, Lost city of Atlantis and soft style cell shading of Team Fortress 2/ Between Bears and Salesman Pete !

Its looking good so far.... got my characters designed just building them at the moment.

Heres what i have so far on the character front:

Concept sketch:

Here's my 3Ds Max start of luke, took me about 1 hour to get it looking right !

Sunday, 20 February 2011

My Logo:

Well i think its been long enough now..... time to blog!

Well i'm working hard on both projects at the moment but i feel i need to focus on the context section for a few weeks. Here is my logo in business card form and a very VERY rough preview of how i want my DVD main menu to look.....well there will be a few textures, lighting effects ill add in after effects!

Here's the video:

With this video i want to add alot of effects in after effects like particular effects, lens flare, camera shakes and sound effects, it needs to look realistic! I want the lights to look realistic and i want to project some of my work and animations  onto the side of my logo towards the end of the animation.