Thursday, 15 October 2009

Design Inspirations :

It’s hard to find just one person that inspires me because I’m interested in so many things like 3D animation, Special Effects, Web design, album art, poster design, music and much more. If I had narrow it down I think I would have to say that PIXAR, HANS ZIMMER, TIM BURTON are my all time muses.


I chose Pixar because it’s been such an influential company throughout my entire life, I mean the way they create there 3D characters from start to finish is fascinating, some people hate watching the processes but I love it. I’m a big fan of animation but I do prefer the 3D side to it; it’s just the way that they render there models and create such fantastic, ornate scenes and characters. I’ll never forget the first time I saw TOY STORY, it was just ingenious because of the way that the characters resembled there voice actors, the way each character had its own individual movement and the one of the most important things of all in film, the way it captivates both children and adults into the simple story by using combinations of slapstick comedy and jokes that both adults and children can laugh too. Every year PIXAR seem to be getting even better at creating fantastic characters, fantastic story’s and jaw dropping environments for example the look and physics of sully’s fur in MONSTERS INC. I hope to one day be able to create 3D characters worthy of PIXAR!!!

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