Thursday, 22 October 2009

Interactive Narrative Project: Introduction

The whole Multimedia group has been split into 3 smaller groups, G1,G2,G3, where we have been given different projects to do throughtout the first term and possibly second. My group (G3) have been told to produce an interactive narrative for are first project.

The first Seminar Basically introduced the concept of a interactive narrative. First of all we had to find out what exactly is a narrative, and from what i can tell it is a number of small scenes which when connected allow the end user to see the whole creative view, giving them a better understanding of the story.
All narratives have a basic structure. They have to have charachters, conflict and plot for them to work. Plot is sometimes confused with narrative but plot is actully the little segments that happen in the entire story. In a story You always have main charachter(s) where the plot revolves around them. The two main type of charachters are the "PROTAGONIST" who has to always face conflict mainly known as the "good guy". Then you have the "ANTAGONIST" who is ditermand to create hardship for the protagonist which he then has to face.
Now the conflicts that the main characters have to face can be anything but the main two types are "Internal" and "External". 
For example: People against some distructive element (Day After Tomorrow), People against People (Black Hawk Down), People against the undead (28 Weeks Later)and many more. Then you have "Internal" conflict, so the character(s) have to face a struggle within there mind, so against multiple personalites of trying to see what is real or not.

Here is Freytag’s Pyramid which shows the elements of plot and how they are ushaly layed out but sometimes this is not the case...


(Image From

Defining a Narative:
Well i know how a narrative works and how its structured but how do i define it, well i found that "wilkens et al" (2004) had a perfect deffinition for a narrative
"A chain of events related by cause and effect occuring in space and time and involving some "Agency" or intentioality"
Bassicaly the "Agency" is usally filled in by a charachter or narrater whos purpose is to progress the chain of events along along, which means that the cause/ effect and the agency combine to form a working narrative.
Now the events that form a narrative can occure in two ways. Linear and non-linear.
So linear would be having the events unfold sequential manner. So the classic hollywood story structure. e.g. Hudson hawk is a good example of this type of narrative structure. 
Then you have non-linear which means the events ufold in a non sequential manner. A great example of this is in Tarantino's "SIN CITY", where differnt stories unfold in different time lines but when all watched you realise that they are all interlinked.  

We then got are brief where we have to create our own "Interactive Narative" in flash using Action Script 3.0.
Before i even start trying to create my Interactive narative i have to find some examples so it will help me further my design.

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